Happy Easter! This is one of my favorite holidays all year and having these six fabulous preschoolers to join in the fun made it even better. We had fun doing the bunny hop and singing bunny songs, reading stories about bunnies and colored eggs, and of course hunting for eggs!

Little bunnies nibbling on carrots in their "burrow".

Making Easter baskets- pretty messy but very fun!

Two out of six bunnies looking at the camera, not too bad considering they'd been hopping about all morning.

It was a building morning, with skyscrapers, trains and rocket ships being built with Lego's, blocks and bending builders. Easter eggs were hidden all over the classroom with letters on them and the children tried to find the eggs with their name letters on them. It soon became apparent that they were more interested in hiding themselves and finding each other! Eventually we did find and identify all the alphabet eggs (and found all the hidden preschoolers!)

The children were thrilled that
Kyler thought of each of them when making his Easter egg snack. They all loved eating the jellybeans of their favorite color.

Dyeing Easter eggs. They had so much fun making beautiful eggs. In all the excitement of the egg hunt, I forget to send them home with the children, so you'll just have to trust me on how great they were.

Eager children ready to go fill their baskets with eggs!

Got one! I filled the eggs with number so that the children could have more practice recognizing the numerals. However, by this point in the day, all the children wanted in those eggs was candy! They did each get to find one egg that had a bag of skittles inside. Before eating them though, I had them sort and count the candies so at least we did get some math in.
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