Our bodies truly are amazing! I'm always in awe at the creation that is our most valuable possession. We spent our circle time talking about our body parts and what they do and how to keep them healthy and strong. Outdoor time was spent using those body parts in a myriad of ways. We read the hilarious book Parts that made us all so grateful for our skin that keeps all our parts inside of us. We did the hokey pokey and spent some time talking about right and left. We put puzzles together, made shapes and letters with our bodies, wrote in our journals, boogied to some fun preschool tunes, enjoyed igloos and crackers and grapes for snack, and all around had a great time!

Learning to draw our bodies. These were so cute they are hanging in the preschool room for everyone to enjoy. Gideon's has 28 fingers on one hand- what would that be like?

Exploring the internal organs of our bodies. I tried to use anatomically correct terms but sometimes a "tummy" or so slipped in. They loved learning about their hearts pumping blood
throughout their body and their lungs filling up with air and the liver cleaning their blood, etc.

Using some wood pieces to create letters. The children figured out they could make the letters without the cards to help them out.

Using strong legs to walk on stilts. They also crossed a pretty high balance beam- and nobody fell off!

Honestly I'm not exactly sure what this is but they were so engaged in creating and working together as a group I didn't want to pester them with questions. They wouldn't have anything to do with taking it apart so the masterpiece still adorns the patio. Perhaps on Tuesday it will become something altogether different.

Yes, toes can paint!

But hands work better.

Making letters with their bodies this is the Letter "A".
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