Thursday, September 22, 2011

Leaves Are Falling Down

Though the weather outside is no indicator of the impending season, tomorrow is the official first day of autumn. We celebrated the changing seasons by learning all about fall this week. We focused mostly on the beautiful trees that surround us and the animals who rely on those trees for food and shelter.

Little Scientists observing the signs of fall.

There happened to be a small ditch next to a tree we were studying so of course we had to take turns leaping over the ditch.
The boys took the tree lesson to a whole new level and "planted" one of their own. Can't you just see their excitement!

Since there really aren't fall leaves to rake and jump into we improvised with newspaper. The bonus is ripping up all those pages is great for the muscles in their hands they use to write with.

Fall wreaths art project. The boys were very interested in coloring pictures of houses.

Charlie lacing during our morning gathering time.

Playing squirrel tag.

We talked about the differences between deciduous and evergreen trees. They ran from one type of tree to another and felt all the various leaves and needles.

What's fall without some zucchini? I didn't think the children would just eat it straight up so the great chefs prepared some zucchini muffins. After they got to sample one after lunch, they each got to take some home to share.

The art project today was to do a fall collage. The children's creativity was running high and we ended up with a myriad of art projects. They seem to feel such joy when they are able to create just what they are thinking of.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Butterflies & Bullfrogs

This was a great week as we learned all about our school namesakes- Butterflies & Bullfrogs. I know the children can't completely understand how these preschool years are a time of their own metamorphosis but I'm sure you parents can appreciate the many changes in progress with them.

We started out the morning on a butterfly hunt. The children found every single butterfly in the yard.
We then headed out to find a real life butterfly Gideon and I had spotted earlier in the morning. Alas, we couldn't find it but we had fun finding a turtle (and his footprints) and racing around the lake.

Butterfly life cycle acted out by your wonderful preschoolers: Stage 1: eggs laying still on a branch (well staying mostly still).

Stage 2: Hungry caterpillars emerge.

Stage 3: Caterpillars form a chrysalis

Stage 4: Butterflies break out of their chrysalis, spread their wings and FLY! (I'm sure you can understand why all the pictures of this are completely blurry)

Working one-on-one with Avah.

Counting practice with Kyler.

I was able to work with each child individually during free play time this week and hope to do that weekly. Right now I'm spending the time assessing where they are and figuring out their individual learning objectives for the fall semester.

It was a bit too hot to be terribly active so the boys chose a less intense activity of tying jump ropes to the fence. They did such a good job we almost couldn't get the knots out!

I thew in a little yoga during our movement time and had the kids partner up for some fun moves.

Watercoloring ponds for our frogs.

Their friendly frog puppets. Most of them put smiley faces on all their frogs because they told me they were happy frogs :)

These boys worked so well during play time taking turns building a tall tower.

Charlie our Knight in Shining Armor attempted to save the girls babies from the tigers!

The children spend time each afternoon writing in their journals. We spend a few minutes talking about how to write our letter for the day and then practicing. They are so excited when they master the letter. I hope you get a chance to let them show you the letter at home.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome Week

Welcome to Preschool! I hope you enjoy this blog and the glimpse it can provide you into our preschool day. We do so much more than I photograph as often I'm teaching, helping the children or the camera isn't quite handy. Also, please note that I am not a great photographer- your kids are so much cuter than I can ever capture on camera.







The Group!

Running, playing ball, digging in the sandbox, riding scooters and playing hide-and-seek filled our energetic morning.

Making friends is such a wonderful part of preschool.

Charlie intently focusing on his drawings. The children had so many stories to tell about their drawings. I hope you took a chance to ask them, "Tell me about your drawings."

These children are mini geographers as they pointed out many locations on the map with great accuracy.

Playtime with the dinosaurs guarding the toys!

Ending a very fun (but very tiring) day with reading time.

Our morning gathering activity started out as sorting and ended as the children made incredibly creative designs.

Counting yummy apples.

Art began with apple stamping

And ended with apple bathing. The paint was particularly splattery and I neglected to put the painting shirts on everyone until after some of them got paint on their clothes- so sorry! The shirts are out now and ready to be put right on when we bring the paint out again.

Finding uppercase and lowercase letters...

then matching them up and then racing off to find another letter.

Charlie putting the alphabet puzzle together during playtime.

During playtime the children decided to go to the theater. Kyler was the MC and welcomed them all to the show then began to "teach" them. They all listened so intently and followed his every instruction. What a natural leader that boy is!

We had an awesome first week of preschool. I love the happy energy your children bring into my life. I am looking forward to a wonderful year ahead with them all.