Friday, March 4, 2011

Dr. Seuss

Have you read Fox in Socks or Hop on Pop to your child recently? Your tongue will be numb by the end but it will be so worth it to have her child hear those rhymes over and over. Celebrating Dr. Seuss and his books meant there was an abundance of silly words at preschool this week. The children played with oobleck outside and were amazed at something that can be a liquid and a solid at the same time. They had a great time experimenting with it. We practiced our numbers while coloring the Cat in the Hat and used our imaginations to create fanciful pictures just like Dr. Seuss.

Sierra decided that "crazy popcorn" would be a fitting snack for Dr. Seuss. The children's giggles filled the room as the popcorn bounced around.
Around, around they go till the music stops.

Rhyming objects.

Balancing just as the Cat in the Hat did (though no cake or live fish).

Dinosaurs thronging the castle. Anything can happen when these kids
use their imagination. Boston was a great doctor and took care of each one of us.

Kickball preschool style!

Precious little hands that get so messy so quickly but are quick to hug and hold. One of my greatest wishes is to always have these hands to hold.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously just felt a tear coming on with that last picture and words! I agree with you and just want to hold onto these precious sweet years before it changes.
