We started this week with a very different look to the preschool room. Sierra decided it needed to be backwards and wacky. It was actually kind of fun and I noticed the children playing a bit differently. We also changed things up by letting the children choose the order of our activities. St. Patrick's Day brought the addition of a few new friends to preschool (children I was watching for a friend for just a few days). I was amazed at how well all the children adapted to the new faces. They quickly became teachers and taught them the
zoophonics letters for the word green. Many of them were actually able to spell the word out by just hearing the word slowly a few times. We had a tricky time catching
leprechauns, but they all did find the shamrocks left behind with their names on them and lots of gold.

Silly faces- the beginning of many silly faces of the day. We had a laughing contest and boy can those kids giggle! Focusing a bit on the silliness of preschool really helps boost their emotional skills. As I believe in educating the whole child we do get to spend some time on emotional education in addition to the academics.

This isn't a great pictures, but the rainbow toast was actually quite beautiful. A little food coloring mixed in milk, painted on bread and toasted- yummy & fun!

Silly relay race. They are still learning the concept of a relay race, but they had fun using there large muscles.

Sorting through the rainbow pompoms.

Larry the Leprechaun visited preschool and left behind a trail of gold. We searched through the house but never caught that
mischievous guy. He did leave behind a snack of lucky charms for the children. They got to sort the
marshmallows then gobble them up.

Dancing with rainbow ribbon sticks. I was surprised how this sparked their creativity.

The preschoolers learned hands-on that a glob of yellow
playdoh and a glob of blue makes green. They made some great shapes and even had each other guessing what letters they were making. This is one of those activities that is so simple, yet so enjoyable and beneficial to the children.

Finding even more gold left behind by leprechauns! The children left with a few pieces of gold and a desire to be kind and provide service (unlike the
mischievous leprechauns). I know in my home, I've had some wonderful helpers this afternoon, though I may be finding gold beans for days to come.