This week was all about safety and helping our children learn what to do in an emergency. I hope you'll take a few minutes at home and reinforce the concepts of fire safety and stranger danger. They may be small but they must know how to keep themselves safe. Circle time, tended to be a bit heavy so we did lots of fun activities to balance out the seriousness of that. As usual, they had a terrific week with great focus on the tasks at hand and wonderful cooperation with each other.
Marching in the big parade!
The children have been very big into dressing up during free play time. This type of play fosters
cooperation among the
children and helps them learn to defend their own ideas. They must also learn to recall experiences they've had and re-create them. This pretend play is very important to children's later academic success in school and that's why we do it!
Cutting out flames. The children are doing so well with their scissor skills. Many fine muscles have to go to work to do this and it's a challenge, yet they are doing great!
The children thought it was great fun to see how messy they could make the floor with all their little bitty flames.
Playing firefighter and squirting out the flames.
Detectives on the scene!
Boys will be boys and...
Girls will be girls.
Red Light....Green Light
Sierra directing tricycle traffic.
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