Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Into the Woods

We had so much fun exploring the great outdoors.  We learned about animals that like the nighttime, what we can observe outside and how to stay safe.  We went hiking and found a huge lake, discovered cattails, observed many birds with our binoculars we made.  We all had a fantastic time for our "campout" in our pajamas.  We snuggled up and read lots of stories, played in tents and painted with sticks.  Can't wait to go camping for  real now!  

Friday, May 17, 2013

Under the Sea

 Under the Sea is a whole other world that is full of amazing creatures.  We barely scratched the surface of learning about that world.  We watched an octopus squirt ink, saw fish swim through a coral reef, learned how sand is formed, investigated sea shells, did an experiment to learn how sunlight affects color in water and learned numerous fun facts about fish.  We made a zillion bubbles, played the game octopus and created our own underwater world.  We went to the pond in search of fish and instead found plenty of friendly turtles.  

Getting from Here to There

Learning about cars, trucks and boats was simply fun!  First off, we talked about safety around cars and how important it is to stay safe.  They peered in at the engine and investigated the parts of a vehicle.  They counted cars,  had a "car" wash and even painted with cars.  We discussed how boats move and their purpose in transporting people and things across the water.  We also experimented with a variety of objects to identify which ones sink and float.   

Creepy Crawlies

As creepy as insects are they are also fascinating!!  There are so many varieties of insects that we filled our week learning about.  We ventured out to the pond and got to see the insects in their natural habitat-mostly ants.  I loved watching the creativity of the children unfold as they drew their version of bugs.  They sang songs about bugs, did the waggle dance like bumblebees and made insects out of play dough just to name a few things we did. 

Kings, Queens, Castles & Things

Brave Knights and daring princesses joined us for our medieval themed preschool week.  The children took their Knight training seriously and learned what it takes to defend a castle.  We reviewed how royalty act and talked about our manners.  Making crowns with gleaming jewels and sparkly glitter paired up nicely with the shields they made to defend themselves.  We had a jousting tournament and played with castles and kings and queens for playtime.