I think Thanksgiving is right up there at the top of my list of favorite holidays. I love how much we get to focus on our blessings- and we have them in abundance. I love hearing what the children are really thankful for. I hear them say they are thankful for their families, friends, food, flowers, play dates, story time before bed (I've never heard a child say they are thankful for tv!).
Gideon and Kooper finding adding feathers to their turkeys (the numbers were hidden in the pilgrim hats).
Gideon racing to play Frisbee after checking on their plants that are growing so well. They look forward to watering their plants and observing their growth each day.
Cute Avah trying to stay warm.
Thomas showing off his thankful turkey.
Kooper building a log house just like the pilgrims did.
Princess Kara preparing a wonderful tea party for us all.
Thomas in one of the many dress-ups he loves.
Getting ready to bake pumpkin pie.
Cleaning up afterwards. This was a very hands-on day so pictures of all our cooking were limited to before and after- sorry.
Happy Birthday Kooper!
Kara getting her turkey feathers on just right.
Our Thanksgiving Feast. They were great chefs and prepared a wonderful feast of fish, corn muffins, carrots and pumpkin pie. I was so proud of the children when they tried new things and especially with how polite they were during the meal- we could have been in a fancy restaurant with how great their manners were. Before we ate we talked about all that we are grateful for and I for one am so grateful for these little children that brighten my home with their laughter, their eagerness to learn, their kindness and generosity to others and their desire to do the right thing. My heart is full of thanks when I think of them all and you wonderful parents who share them with me.