A while back a wheel came off a trike and the preschoolers swarmed that bike and began seeking solutions to the problem. They asked me for all sorts of tools as they sincerely wanted to fix it and did not doubt in the least their ability to do so. I knew then, that we must include a week on building in our schedule and I'm gad I did. It was a fantastic week that gave us lots of opportunities to learn our preschool skills while having lots of fun.

Sand paper letters were so much fun to rub into the journals. We will certainly be doing this again to help with letter recognition and fine motor skills.
Kyler working hard at rubbing the letter "k". He enjoyed the process so much there are about five pages of "
k's" in his journal.

Sierra ready for a busy morning of building.

Boston deciding just how he should use the tools to build a house.

All the children spent playtime busily fixing the preschool room. Sierra was the "Chief Builder" and did a good job of supervising the group and of course making sure they all took breaks.

Despite the cold, our pea plants are still growing! At snack time the children peek out the window at their plants then tell me just how tall their plant is going to be.

Cooperation was key as the children worked together to build tall skyscrapers then topple them right down.

Gideon spent playtime building roads for the cars with our magnets.
Kyler just loved the tools and got pretty creative with his building projects.

Safely practicing climbing a ladder, of course they all wanted it to go much higher.

Happy Boston pausing for a moment at the top of the ladder.

Tap, tap, tap went the hammer.

Round and round went the screwdriver.

Up and down went the paintbrushes and paint roller.

More tapping of the hammer.

Pretty Porsche basking in her ladder climbing accomplishment.
Kyler measuring everything around the house.
I didn't get pictures of the children acting out the Three Little Pigs story, but trust me they were hilarious as fierce wolves who huffed and puffed quite a bit. Acting out some songs about building also brought out the inner actors in them all. They are such a wonderful group!